Friday, June 28, 2024

Nudist Initiatives which survived at least 5 years


As we have also joined the elite club of nudist initiatives which survived more than 5 years, we thought of celebrating the occasion by doing something meaningful, like we always try to do. 

Every once in a while, we see new initiatives come and most of them fail to make a mark before disappearing into oblivion. While many don't survive due to lack of finances, many simply lack the motivation to continue as they cannot invest so much of time and energy. We believe 5 years is a significant time period for an initiative to face the test of time.

This project is a humble attempt to compile data on such initiatives which survived at least 5 years, and try to figure out what works and what doesn't and serve as a knowledge base for upcoming initiatives as well as stakeholders and consumers. 

Back in 2022, when we were aggressively looking for nudist brands and businesses to collaborate, we utilised the data collected to create another meaningful project which we named The Nudist Ecosystem.

Naked Wanderings and Naked European Walking Tours are among reputed initiatives who have participated in the project.

Data points

We are collecting some basic information like the founding year and closing year, category, country of origin, important stats like total followers, etc., and optionally revenue/profit related information.

Here is an initial draft of how the data could be published on Instagram posts - 


Data Collection

In order to make this project successful, we would need to cover a lot of projects. This would need support in the form of collaboration and volunteering. If you would like to enlist your project or any project which deserves to be covered, please fill up this form

All compiled data is here.